Sunday, December 15, 2019

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Forbes Article Proves Donald Trump could face Income Tax Fraud Charges and Billions in Penalties if Trump loses the 2016 Presidential Election to Hillary Clinton.

I have since seen the error of my ways and support Donald Trump. If Donald Trump were afforded the same level of immunity Nancy Pelosi has received for her various acts of insurrection against Donald Trump, there would be zero lawsuits against Donald Trump.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Debt Neutrality Petition reaches 657 signatures on Change Dot Org.

Feel Free to use any of the Debt Neutrality Petition images below for your facebook page or twitter account or blog.

Please consider viewing and then signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by clicking here.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quicken Loans doesn't do safe, first lien HELOC's or REHELOC's but hey, they gotta a great deal on a Reverse Mortgage, lol.

Respect I may have thought I had for Quicken Loans went out the door when I discovered they presently do not offer first lien HELOC's or first lien REHELOC's, but would be more than happy to put me into a reverse mortgage that over time might result in 70 to 80% of the entire home's equity going to the mortgage insurance premiums and interest rate charges on the equity taken out of the home, also known as a long term rip off program, no?

So HUD, by pushing HECM's, has effectively throttled responsible homeowners who have no mortgage but would like to pull equity out of their home via a first lien HELOC, or, pay off their present first lien HELOC with a new HELOC, aka a first lien REHELOC.

I'm just shocked at how horribly our government is treating retiree's who responsibly paid of their homes and are asset rich but cash poor and can easily collateralize any equity taken out of their homes because they don't have a mortgage.

Please consider viewing and then signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by clicking here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Credit Card Market Faces Regulator Probe | Key 103 Manchester

If you visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's debt collection  practices commentary site, Regulation Room dot org (you will need to click on the small white arrow located within the rectangular blue box to see the comments), I left several dozen comments about Credit Card Practices that need to change. 

In England they are actually going to do a review of credit card practices, something the CFPB in the U.S. has been reluctant to do so.

 Please consider viewing and then signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by clicking here.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Motley Fool Credit Card Article "Is Your Credit Card Interest Rate Above 20%? This Chart Shows Why." is a load of propaganda.

Motley Fool article is way off the mark in this blog's opinion. Credit Card Debt is the BIGGEST profit center for banks. 

What Motley Fool fails to acknowledge is that as time goes on not only are consumers paying a ridiculously high interest rate on credit card debt, but a significant portion of the credit card debt is interest rate charges that are accruing more interest rate charges!

One way to show how foolish Motley Fool is regarding this credit card debt article would be to create a graph that reveals what percentage of all credit card debt is actual interest rate charges that are "nestled", or nested, into the credit card.

If a credit card customer with a 5,000 dollar credit line defaults after 15 years, but in that 15 years time paid 15,000 dollars in interest rate charges and of the 5,000 dollars still owed 3,500 is additional interest rate charges that just keep accruing, just how badly did the credit card company lose? But wait, lets factor in that credit card companies are UNINTERESTED in collecting the defaulted debt if it were to be paid back slowly with no more interest rate charges, penalties or fees added in.

I didn't realize that Motley Fool (in my opinion) was such a government propagandist by actually justifying a 20% or higher interest rate charges on a credit card, wow.

Please consider viewing and then signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by clicking here.